Cricut Maker machine

My Latest Project

Chip Board Caddy - Gift Box

November 30, 2017

Painted Ornaments #12 of 12

Painted Ornaments  comparison #12 of 12 ending the series. Yes, I did give the paint ornaments a go, for 3 days! I used Apple Barrel acrylic craft paints, just enough to coat, they dripped dry in 3 days! No lies, 72 hours. I love the look but this isn't for a quick project. There may be additives that can be done to speed the drying process however I didn't have one and really wasn't looking to add another purchase to sit in the craft room until net year. I just wanted to veer away from the glitter ornaments and try something new.  It works have patience, start in July if you are making a ton of these!! LOL